Hello, and welcome to Dispatches from the Curiosity Shop, the Bones & Bobbins Patreon-only mini-episode!
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Patreon Dispatches from the Curiosity Shop 51: Home Not So Sweet Home
Haunted houses and harrowing hazing.
Natali and Grace join forces to bring you the history of spooky haunted houses designed to thrill the public and talk about the very real horrors of hazing.
Curiosity Shop Show Notes:
Here are links to the sources and resources we used while researching this episode:
Links to research materials:
- Smithsonian Magazine: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/history-haunted-house-180957008/
- Modern Horrors: https://modernhorrors.com/alive-little-haunted-house-made-madness/
- Madam Tussaud’s London https://www.madametussauds.com/london/whats-inside/
- Trick or Treat: A History of Halloween https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/distributed/T/bo14450607.html
Further Reading:
- Nothing to see this time!
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