Hello, and welcome to Dispatches from the Curiosity Shop, the Bones & Bobbins Patreon-only mini-episode!
Dispatches from the Curiosity Shop episodes are available to Patreon patrons at the $5.00 per month level and above!

Patreon Dispatches from the Curiosity Shop 67: Natali’s Origin Story: True Crime Edition
We all have our how-we-came-to-true-crime origin stories. But, unlike most of us, Natali actually grew up being a family member connected to a brutal cold case. In this episode, for the first time, Natali tells the full story of her aunt’s horrifying murder, how it impacted (and continues to impact) her family, how genetic genealogy eventually played a role, and what happens when a potential serial killer is finally identified.
This is a rough one, friends. And, because we know our Patreon members are truly our people, you are invited to discuss the episode with us and ask any questions that you might have. We aren’t including links in the show notes, because looking through news on the internet can be really frustrating when the story they’re trying to tell is a story you know like the back of your hand. So, we’re not going to ask Natali to do that. However, do feel free to google the name in the episode and look at the articles/videos/posts yourself. (We’re making this not-SEO friendly on purpose, because we don’t need gawkers to come out of the woodwork in a space that’s safe.)
Note from Haley: Definitely keep in mind that, when talking about this murder, we’re talking about Natali’s family, and we should be sensitive to that.
Link to the episode on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dispatches-from-97459983
Curiosity Shop Show Notes:
Here are links to the sources and resources we used while researching this episode.
Links to research materials:
- See above
Further Reading:
- Nothing to see this time!